social sponsoring Sponsor-Service

Social sponsoring with Sponsor-Service

Social sponsoring is an important factor for the social commitment of many companies as well as for our society. Many social projects could not exist without generous sponsor money. But how can you find the right partners for your needs? How can you get social sponsoring for your project? Find out the answers to these questions at Sponsor-Service.

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social sponsoring
Social sponsoring
You need sponsors for your social projects ? You want to finance your activities ? Social sponsoring is an important part of our economic life. Many things could not be thought of without sponsoring. Many public organisations could not exist without sponsor funds. But how should you get in contact with interested companies and how can you attract their attention. ?
Getting contacts with Sponsor-Service
Thousands of companies worldwide which are interessted in becoming a sponsor or which are already sponsoring are stored in our database. By entering your data to our data bank you have the chance to find those companies which matches to your project. So your request will only come to those potential sponsors who will really be interessted.
Enter your social projects now
Address several hundredthousand companies worldwide with your entry. Sponsor-service is the biggest sponsoring database worldwide in the web. With sponsor-service you increase your chances to find the right sponsor by many. Profit from our 15 years of experience in the presentation of sponsor requests.

Click here for more infos about social sponsoring